Program of development of the financial sphere and material basis
The university will work in the following directions:
- Extension of sources of financing of the current activities of university and formation of system of accurate demarcation of functions and powers between the customer, the vendor and customers of educational services.
- Gain of responsibility for the end results of activities, increase of productivity and transparency of financing of university.
- Creation of databases of personal and real estate of university, material and financial resources of university and system implementation of monitoring and monitoring of their maintenance.
- The analysis of a financial and economic status and possible risks in university activities.
- System development business — university plannings. Extension of sources of financing and volume of extrabudgetary funds in the different directions of authorized activities of university.
- Involvement activation in different investment programs and projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Support of open planning of profitable and account part of the budget of university.
- Continuation of practice of the analysis of totals of activities of university once a year for adjustment of the current and long-term plans.
- Implementation of the quarterly analysis of activities of administrative part and other structural subdividings by university plan financial management for operational adjustment and coordination of use of financial means.
- Extension of off-budget activities of university.
- Development of a long-term plan of creation of the material technical basis, carrying out continuous monitoring over execution of stages of the plan.
- Development and implementation of the program of up-dating of educational laboratory equipment.