“I am very proud that 50 years ago
I was among those who graduated this university which was called higher technical education institution
and got a referral to industry.”

N.A. Nazarbayev

Rector's blog

For the period of 50 years Karaganda State Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading hig...

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Program of enhancement of intra high school management system quality

Fundamental document of the program

“POLICY of “KSIU” in the field of quality of education”

• Support of one of the leading role of KSIU in science and education of the Karaganda region, including by means of development of the effective quality management system (QMS) of university.

• Implementation of additional educational programs of the continuous vocational training and retraining of the experts aimed at support of their competitiveness and a demand socially – the economic environment of the country.

• Cooperation and interaction with the enterprises of the Karaganda region and other regions of the country, implementation of joint educational, scientific and innovative programs and the projects based on high scientific and technical and information capacity of university.

• Integration in the international educational space within Bologna Process, including at the expense of implementation international educational and research projects.

• Increase of efficiency of training of specialists on the basis of the greatest possible unification of basic educational programs, at the expense of creation and development of new technologies of training.

• Creation of conditions and opportunities for development in being trained creative abilities, formations of the harmonic identity of future expert.

• Improvement of quality of conditions of training and work of students and the staff of university on the basis of sustainable economic development of higher education institution.

Creation of effectively operating systems of motivation, informing and social protection of employees and students of university.

At the present stage of development of society the market of educational services becomes “the market of the buyer”. In this situation the only worthy way of a survival of higher education institution is the increase of its prestige based on increase of its quality of preparation of graduates.

In this regard (“enterprise production” — the graduate) has to:

• to meet accurately certain needs, a scope or assignment;

• to meet requirements of applied standards and specifications;

• to meet the requirements of society (current legislation);

• to be offered a customer at competitive price;

• to be economic.

For quality management of educational services the university will implement activities for the following nine stages of its life cycle (“product” — the graduate):

1 . Marketing of educational services for detection and formation of requests of entrants and employers.

2 . Execution of the state requirements for quality of the content of education.

3 . Growth and upgrade of educational and methodical support and material basis of university.

4 . Staffing.

5 . The organization and carrying out educational process with use of methodically reasonable pedagogical technologies.

6 . Monitoring of level of assimilation of knowledge and abilities of their application.

7 . Release and employment of young highly qualified specialists.

8 . Maintenance of communications with graduates and their consultation.

9 . Monitoring of use and assessment of experts.

Thus, a main objective of quality management of educational services is mismatch warning and if such mismatches nevertheless arise, their timely elimination by adjusting influences. Achievement of the given level of satisfaction of the graduates providing their demand on a labor market, and also the employers receiving frames of competent experts shall become the end result of control of quality.

We will implement mandatory actions for development of the system of quality of university.

The model of enhancement of activities of higher education institution, first of all, is intended for stimulation of a manual of university and the faculty to application of the principles of Quality management system and search of continuous improving of the quality system. “The model of enhancement of activities of higher education institution” is understood as a certain set of criteria and the components characterizing principal components of activities of higher education institution from line items of quality management, and also the description of “perfection levels” (qualimetrical scales in the form of matrixes) all components which in aggregate define all processes which are taking place in higher education institution, directed on achievement of required results of quality.

The model includes 9 criteria, and 60 subcriteria and the components which list was created on the basis of the carried-out analysis of models of control in the field of quality management, key activities and the processes influencing quality of provision of educational services and tasks, facing educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in respect of enhancement of management systems on the principles of quality management.