“I am very proud that 50 years ago
I was among those who graduated this university which was called higher technical education institution
and got a referral to industry.”

N.A. Nazarbayev

Rector's blog

For the period of 50 years Karaganda State Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading hig...

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Honorary title “Hero of the Spirit” of the International Movement of Humane Pedagogy – S. A. Nazarbayeva

People of Temirtau invited to training dictation in Kazakh language  with the use of Latin graphics

Everyone is waiting for everyone on April 27 at 3 p.m. in classroom 313 of the main building of Karaganda State Industrial University. The dictation is conducted on the initiative of the department “Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages” with the aim of implementing the state program “Ruhani zhangyru: latin alіpbіine koshu”.

The age of the participants is not limited.

Recording and information on the phone 8 707 830 16 48, WhatsApp +7 708 236 98 78 or in 408 of the new building KSIU.


Language experts

Student group M-16k Asemay Pushanova took the second place in the regional contest “Tildaryn”, and the KSIU team became the third in the regional polyglot Olympics held in Karaganda.

Asemay Pushanova went to the regional competition “Tіldaryn”, becoming shortly before the winner of the city, which was held at the KSIU. Then the participants had to show knowledge of three languages ​​- Kazakh, English and Russian. To do this, they wrote essays on the given topics, synchronously translated the texts and tried to fully disclose the content of the indicated topics. Stages of the regional competition “Tіldaryn” were similar. Its goals and objectives are to provide support to students who perfectly master the three languages, to form a culture of interlingual communication and to educate a poly-linguistic personality, to strengthen the sense of Kazakhstan’s patriotism, to bring up a comprehensively poly-linguistic personality capable of competing. A representative of KSIU successfully coped with the contest tasks and took second place.

And the students of KSIU Anel Zhumabekova (TOMD-17k-4), Nurislam Sarsenov (M-16k), Zhankeldy Amankeldy (TOMD-16k) and Nurasil Tarasov ( TMO-17k) took part in the regional polyglot Olympiad , held in Karaganda State Medical University. The students were prepared by the teachers Dana Ybray and Natalya Kan.

The Olympiad was held among students of 1-2 courses of non-linguistic faculties of higher educational institutions, who speak three languages ​​(Kazakh, Russian and English). Participants went through five rounds. In the homework it was necessary to present a presentation in the desired language, clearly define the mission, vision, purpose, objectives and organization of an ideal trilingual training program. In the second round of the students the game “Geoprady” was waiting, in the next – the pronunciation of words in letters in three languages, in the fourth – the game of captains, in the latter – an improvised performance on the proposed topic. As a result, KSIU team took 3rd place. The leader of the Olympiad was the team of the KarSU named by Buketova, in second place – Karaganda Economic University. All prize-winners are awarded with diplomas and gifts.

Press-service of KSIU


students participated in the voluntary Saturday work

Large-scale voluntary Saturday works  was held in Temirtau on April 21. Part in it took 250 students of Karaganda state industrial university.

April 21, people of Temirtau, as well as other cities and areas Karaganda region cleaned purity at its territory. In Saturday work  was attended by thousands of representatives of the various companies and organizations. In the same day near the monument of metallurgists was landing young trees. Seedlings were provided entrepreneurs the city, non-governmental organizations, deputies, etnoculturical centers, control of natural resources and control of natural resources Karaganda region. In addition, were painted curbs and playground. In the tree planting was attended by: head of  Karaganda region Koshanov E well, head of temirtau Ashimov G.A., executive director JSC “ArcelorMittal temirtau” Basin V.P., deputies fraction of the party “Nur Otan” in Temirtau city and Karaganda regional maslikhat, staff two branches of the party in the city, JSC “Arselor Mittal Temirtau” public board, government agencies, activists microns “Zhan Otan” and many others. Guide, teachers and students of KSIU  also have made its contribution in this good thing.

Press service of KSIU




Graduates are helped to find a job

The traditional annual “Fair of Graduates” was held at KSIU on April 20. Representatives of more than twenty enterprises and organizations met with students completing their studies at the university. Among them – “ArcelorMittal Temirtau”, Tekeli Mining and Processing Plant, Temirtau Electrometallurgical Combine, “Avangard-Story” LLP, the largest banks of Kazakhstan, city employment center, tax administration and others.

Employers studied the resume of graduates, assessed their business qualities, conducted a comparative analysis of candidates and offered their working conditions. The students got acquainted with the available vacancies and asked questions concerning the list of duties, wages, career prospects and social guarantees.

Within the framework of the fair, a roundtable was held, at which topical problems of finding young professionals and their adaptation in the labor market, promising areas of cooperation between the executive authorities, employment centers, employers and educational institutions were considered.
Following the results of the work of the Fair “Graduate-2018” five people were invited to an interview the same day, and 27 graduates – specific job offers.


Ulyana Sharafutdinova, “Accounting and Audit-14” group: 

– At the fair, I found out which organizations require employees, took their data. But I’ll go to work when I have a higher education diploma. And it is desirable to get training on the courses of “1c-accounting” – then it is more likely to get a job immediately for a good job.

Ruslan Kudaibergenov, “Economics-14” group:

– Holding such job fairs is a very necessary thing. It is good that the university helps us in finding a job. It is very convenient when all employers gather at the same time – there is no need to waste time on traveling to different parts of the city in different organizations. We submitted our CVs electronically in advance, so all employers had such a collection. At the fair, we for a short time learned the list of vacancies and requirements. Personally, I particularly liked the offer of “ArcelorMittal Temirtau” about passing a three-year training program “TOP100 engineers”, after which it is possible to find employment at the plant. I’m still thinking about several options, which I learned about today.

Indira Stamkulova, group “Material Science and Technology of New Materials-14”: 

– The fair helped me to know what variety of enterprises exist in our region and made it clear that my specialty is in demand in the labor market. There have been many interesting proposals that I can consider for future employment.

Press-service of KSIU