“I am very proud that 50 years ago
I was among those who graduated this university which was called higher technical education institution
and got a referral to industry.”

N.A. Nazarbayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda State Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading hig...

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Три первых места – у спортсменов из КГИУ

In the city Spartakiada of student youth in game sports, representatives of Karaganda State Industrial University took the first three places.

In the competitions were attended by nine teams representing the Temirtau colleges and KSIU. As a result of the hard struggle, the team of our university became the leader of the tournaments in football, volleyball and basketball.

Spartakiada was held at a high organizational level. Winners were awarded diplomas and valuable prizes.

Press-service of KSIU

The traditional football tournament for the Cup of the rector of KSIU

Competitions were held from 7 to 16 February in the sports hall of the university. The tournament was attended by more than one hundred students, who represented twelve teams.

Game in groups went on a circular system, in the final two teams came out. During the cross games, the winners were determined. The leader was the team “Rasta”, consisting of students of the final course. On the second place – third-year students from the team “Ordabasy”, the third position was taken by the team “Adidas”. The best striker of the tournament is student Gr. “M-16k” Mukhtarkhan Yelnur, the best goalkeeper – Arystan Erzhigit (“TTTandT-16 k”).

– Competitions were held at a good level, without injuries and protests. The competition was judged by senior students. Final games were served by the judge of the international category Nurmustafina Elvira. Winners and best players were awarded with a cup, diplomas and prizes, – said the chief judge of the competition, the teacher of the section of physical education KSIU Raisa Kolesnikova.

Press-service of KSIU

Сборная КГИУ вышла в лигу «Иртыш»

Pavlodar hosted the XXV regional festival of KVN on February 11, following which fifteen out of twenty-eight participating teams, including the KSIU team, entered the league “Irtysh” under the auspices of «Alexander Maslyakov and the company».

The game was a breeze. As the students of KSIU say, it was easy for them to participate in such an event. Our countrymen won in two special nominations – “The most cheerful team” and “The Voice of the Festival”. Congratulations!

Press-service of KSIU

14.02.2018, 14:55:42, Әкімшілік, goto → Categories: News, Студенты

Наши дебатеры вернулись из Балхаша

The Republican debating tournament among students was held on February 3 and 4 at Polytechnic College of Kazakhmys Corporation in Balkhash town. Students from the Karaganda State Industrial University took part in it.

The student of the group M-16k Omirzhol Rakhimzhan went to the semifinals, and first course students Beder Alikhan (TTMP-17k) and Tazhikov Konysbek (B-17k) – in the quarterfinals.

As noted by our students, there were many former champions of such tournaments among participants, so the debate was held at a high level.

Press-service of KSiU


07.02.2018, 18:09:43, Әкімшілік, goto → Categories: News, Студенты

Десять студентов Карагандинского государственного индустриального университета вернулись из Чехии




Representatives of all three faculties of KSIU during the autumn semester were trained in the program “Academic Mobility” at the Technical University of Ostrava.

The participants of the program were students of technical specialties “Metallurgy”, “Construction”, “Materials Science and Technology of New Materials”, “Technology of Materials Processing by Pressure”, “Computer Science and Software” and “Automation and Control”. Before the trip to the Czech Republic, the candidates passed two stages of competitive selection, showing a sufficient level of knowledge of a foreign language and having a good average score of the document on education.

Academic mobility of students is one of the main principles of the Bologna Declaration and one of the strategic directions of the KSIU. This program is aimed at improving the quality of higher education, increasing the effectiveness of scientific research, establishing external and internal integration links, and using the world’s educational resources.

“Studying in another country, our students develop and expand their language teaching skills and learn new methods,” says the rector of the KSIU Bakhyt Zhautikov. – On the international labor market graduates of joint educational programs have additional advantages. The experience of participation in the program “Academic Mobility” expands the horizons of intellect and provides new professional opportunities. Over the four-year period, the external academic mobility of our students has increased from four to twelve people a year.

As usual, after returning home, the participants of the program have a lot of emotions and impressions of what they saw.

Artem Plotnikov (2nd year, “Automation and management” group):

– The Czech Republic is a rather ambiguous country. From her visit I have a lot of positive emotions and memories. We studied in the city of Ostrava – it is 370 kilometers from the capital. They have experienced all the differences in education and its value. Much is made for independent study at a time convenient for you, the materials are given in an accessible form. All the training material, as well as its schedule and the number of points received for the tests, can be easily obtained on the university’s website through your personal cabinet. Teachers there are pretty demanding, do not make allowances, which I think is fair. Since mid-September for four months, I have been trained at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. All my lectures were somehow connected with programming, so if you make progress in this field, then I’m sure that studying there will multiply them.

Khurshid Akhmedov (2nd year, construction group):

– If you know English, then studying abroad is easy. And in the Czech Republic it’s best to know Czech – this will help a lot when communicating with the local population. At the university, I liked teachers who were always ready to help, knowing that we know English not yet perfectly. Students are very sociable and kind. I became friends with local children, learning about their culture and national cuisine, and with representatives of Turkey, Italy, Vietnam, Slovakia, Germany and other countries. I think this is a memory for life.

Over the past few years, students and undergraduates of KSIU have been trained and practiced in leading universities not only in the Czech Republic, but also in Poland, Russia, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. In turn, KSIU gives knowledge to students and undergraduates of KSTU, Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz and many others. In addition, within the framework of the memorandum with the strategic partner of ArcelorMittal Temirtau JSC, 25-30 students of the Institute of Information Technologies LNMIIT (Jaipur, India) study annually at KSIU.

– The program “Academic Mobility” in KSIU  has been working for several years and is in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process. The money for these purposes is specially allocated by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Then we negotiate with the partner universities with which we have signed cooperation agreements. After that, our students who passed the competitive selection are sent free of charge to European educational institutions for one academic period – as a rule, this is the autumn semester, “says the vice-rector for academic work Galina Sivyakova. – Thus, our university, keeping pace with the times, improves the quality of education. Students of KSIU receive additional information abroad, study new subjects. In addition, getting into a completely new system for them, they adapt to other conditions of life, learn to determine their own trajectory of learning.

New time puts forward innovative requirements to the learning process. It is obvious that academic mobility is an integral feature of modern higher education. Expanding the scale of academic mobility in higher education institutions leads to a change in the quality of the institution itself, which in turn requires all its employees to be prepared to meet new challenges. Therefore, there is a need to study all aspects of this process in order to apply it to improve the national education system and the interests of Kazakhstan as a whole.

As noted by the participants of the trip, Herman Lifantiev and Grigory Miskov, the student life in Ostrava is very rich: after studying – regular trips and events, excursions to museums and planetariums. And this is done by the students themselves – they are interested in quality and active leisure activities. The price is very affordable, as for students discounts are provided. There are almost no differences between the European education system and Kazakhstan, if we analyze the quality of teaching. Very much depends on the student: if you want to learn, you will do it. But such trips are undoubtedly important for all participants of the program “Academic Mobility”, because this is an exchange of experience, acquaintance with another country, improvement of a foreign language and a good motivation for further development and progress.

Press-service of KSIU




02.02.2018, 15:11:42, Әкімшілік, goto → Categories: News, Студенты