“I am very proud that 50 years ago
I was among those who graduated this university which was called higher technical education institution
and got a referral to industry.”

N.A. Nazarbayev

Rector's blog

For the period of 50 years Karaganda State Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading hig...

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The library of university is in the main educational building of higher education institution.

The total fund of libraryis 260970 storage units, inkazakhlanguage  – 94751 storage unit, other (foreign) languages – 1072 storage unit. Total of electronic books 18%, 46 922 экз.

The area of library makes 1219 sq.m.

Reading room – 443 sq.m for 240 seats.

The subscription and a periodical press hall – 623 sq.m.

Book-depository – 197,4 sq.m.

The fund of a reading room is located in 2 circles in a systematic order that provides completeness of disclosure of funds and their availability to readers. All book fund of library is concentrated in the main building that is convenient for readers, teachers and students.

Textbooks on subject of the main specialties of higher education institution are the center of book fund. The fund of the main educational literature on each profile of preparation constantly updated and replenishes taking into account aging degree.

One of components of fund of additional literature are official publications. In library are available: collections of Acts of the President and Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Ұкімет bulletin; Bulletin of regulations; Laws, Resolutions, Decrees.

The basis of book fund of the help and bibliographic device is made “The Kazakhstan National encyclopedia”, “The big Russian encyclopedia”, industry encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, statistical year-books in the Russian and state languages.

The library writes out republican editions in the state and Russian languages.



1.    Егемен Казахстан

2.    Казахстанская правда
3.    Индустриальная Караганда
4.    Орталык Казахстан
5.    Айқын
6.    Литер
7.    Туркістан


8.    Файл бухгалтера

9.    Альпари
10. Безопасность в промышленности
11. Білім – Образование
12. Горно-металлургическая промышленность
13. Қазақстан республ.парламент
14. Промышленный транспорт Казахстана
15. Современное образование в школе, колледже и ВУЗе
16. Транзитная экономика
17. Химический журнал Казахстана
18. Энергетика и электрооборудование
19. Қазақстан республ. През. Собрание актов През. РК
20. Қазақстан республ.жолы Знаменательные и памятные даты Казахстана на 2018 г.
21. Мирас
22. Білімді ел.   Образованная страна
23. Вечерняя газета
24. Вестник Алматинского университета энергетики и связи
25. Мысль

26. Кадр. маманы. Кадровик

27. Основания, фундаменты и механика грунтов

For timely providing users with information on any branch the library issues the newsletter.

KSIU library has alphabetic, systematic, alphabetic and office, and also the electronic catalog. Thanks to creation at university “The center of information technologies and telecommunications” the library got access to such international information resources as, ThomsonReiters (USA) that will expand the range of using with electronic resources.

The library in the work is closely connected with leading libraries of our Republic. These are scientific libraries of KarSTU (Karaganda State Technical University), KarSU (Karaganda State University), RIEL (Republican Interuniversity Electronic Library). Teachers and students have opportunity to receive all types of library service for free.

Library staff

Head of library: Noskova Svetlana Anatolievna,

librarians –  Makeyeva Oksana Mikhailovna, EvraevaNatalya Nikolaevna,Shamaeva Tatiana Viktorovna.