“I am very proud that 50 years ago
I was among those who graduated this university which was called higher technical education institution
and got a referral to industry.”

N.A. Nazarbayev

Rector's blog

For the period of 50 years Karaganda State Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading hig...

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International activity

For realization of strategy tasks, determined by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan by Nazarbayev N. A. in article "Social modernization of Kazakhstan. Twenty steps to Society of General work" and the Message to the people of Kazakhstan "Strategy "Kazakhstan - 2050" - a new political policy of the taken place state", professorial – teaching structure of the Karaganda state industrial university is developed the Comprehensive program of development of university. One of the main aspects of realizing this program is Одним из основных аспектов выполнения данной программы является participation in competitions of the Ministries and departments of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the international funds for receiving grants and the state budgetary financing on implementation of fundamental and applied scientific projects.

Were presented 31 innovative projects on various subjects by professorial – teaching structure of the Karaganda state industrial university for participation in competition on grant financing of scientific researches for 2013-2015. The KSIU projects are directed on development of scientific bases and technologies of creation of new perspective materials for metallurgical and machine-building branch, production of complex ferroalloys, alloys - modifiers and industrial use of waste.  The listed directions don't close a wide range of actual development of the faculty of KSIU. The development connected with creation of models in the field of geoinformation technologies concerns to them; technologies of receiving composite materials with use of carbon containing ultradisperse raw materials; complex processing of combustible slates of the Central Kazakhstan with receiving coke gas, slate oil and an aluminum silicon alloy; processing of firm and heavy hydrocarbonic raw materials for receiving commodity products; hydrometallurgical ways of the Lisakovsk concentrate; studying of physical and chemical and heattechnical properties of composite fuels on the basis of the liquid hydrocarbons made hydrashocked - cavitational way; development of the information and analytical software for continuous casting machine of continuous pouring of steel; research of progressive designs of sectional piles in difficult engineer – geological conditions when developing mountain fields; development of theoretical bases of forging in the special tools allowing to receive a forging with high mechanical and operational properties; research and development of technological process of burning of ammonia from bi-ammoniac mixes, purification of coke gas without application of sulfuric acid by ammonia burning in the copper utilizer furnace. Besides there are the projects connected with research of the mechanism of the state support of microcredit of agriculture; with formation of lingua cultural competence of a present context; with socio-political tendencies of development of modern Kazakhstan in the conditions of system modernization; with problems of social and economic development of the human capital of the countries of the former Soviet Union, etc.

Innovative projects are directed on decrease in product cost, increase in productivity and production profit, improvement of quality and competitiveness of finished goods, improvement of an ecological situation in the region, etc.

In these directions now at University long-term researches together with foreign Higher education institutions - partners are already conducted: National research technical university " Moscow institute of steel and alloys" (Moscow, Russian Federation); The Ural federal university of First president of Russia B. N. Yeltsin and Institute of Metallurgy of URO Russian Academy of Sciences (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation); Belarusian state university; Voronezh state university; Technical university (Ostrava, Czech Republic).

Opening on the basis of our University of the Laboratory of an Engineering Profile (LEP) "Electronic microscopy and nanotechnologies", at the request of the Head of state Nazarbayev N. A. gave an impetus not only in activization of scientific activity of the University, but also in integration of this activity with production. More than 200 million tenges of budgetary funds on which the translucent electronic microscope of Jeol JEM 2100 was acquired are spent for Laboratory creation in 2008. By university were  contributed unique equipment of global manufacturers to Laboratory fund, they are placed in 6 audiences with utility rooms and an office of the head of the laboratory with a total area of 400 sq.m. Now the "Electronic Microscopy and Nanotechnologies" Laboratory takes the 7th place among 20 Laboratories of the Republic that speaks about high scientifically - research level in implementation of innovative projects.     Besides, annually teachers of the Karaganda state industrial university participate in the Republican competitions connected with award of the state scientific grants of the Republic of Kazakhstan, rank assignment "The best teacher of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION". In 2012 the manager of Management and Business chair of the Karaganda state industrial university, Candidate of Economic Sciences, professor Gelmanova Z.S. became the owner of the state scientific grant of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science and equipment, and the head of the department"information technologies and natural-science disciplines", the Doctor of Engineering, professor Yavorsky V. V. and the senior teacher of Processing of Metals Pressure chair, Candidate of Technical Sciences of Krivtsova O. N. became owners of a rank "The best teacher of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION"


Магистранты КГИУ приняли участие в телемосте — лекции «О роли государства и бизнеса в геологическом изучении недр»

КГИУ подписал договор о сотрудничестве с крупнейшим вузов Европы


ҚМИУ студенттері «Жер-Ай жүйесі» телекөпіріне қатысты




 «Кедергілерді бұзып, көпір саламыз»

ҚМИУ-да үнді студенттерін оқыту аяқталды

Оқу, практика және мәдениетті бағдарлама

Біздің қонақтар

АҚШ ректорлар форумы

Форум жалғасуда 

ҚМИУ телекөпір-дәріске қатысты 

Барселонадан сәлем!

Шетелдік қонақтар: озық тәжірибе

Каталониядан келген профессор дәріс оқиды

Қазақстан және Польша ректорларының форумы

Польшадағы кездесу

Анонс Польской стороны по предстоящему Казахстано-Польскому форуму

ҚМИУ мен венгриялық жоғарғы оқу орындары арасындағы меморандумдарға қол қойылды

Австралиядан келген қонақтар студенттерге өз елі туралы айтты