Well-known statesman of RK President’s colleague, Doctor of Political Sciences Tuleutayev Suleimenov visited Karaganda State Industrial University (KGIU). As part of the commemorative events dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan, he spoke to the teachers and students with a lecture on “25 Years of Independence: Kazakhstan’s way of development – the foundation of stability and prosperity”.
Tuleutayev Suleimenov – the first Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, the diplomat, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan in a number of countries. He was at the forefront of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan alongside NA Nazarbayev. In the distant 90s most complicated for our country was to establish international relations with the world powers. With diplomatic experience, Suleimenov worked actively and fruitfully in this direction. The difficulties of formation of the young state independence of the way of its development, the role of independence in the history of Kazakhstan, that independence – is the most important gift, T. Suleimenov told students and teachers KGIU. He urged the youth to take an active part in social and political life, to be around the leaders, great attention to study, develop comprehensively.
The lecture was attended by Kabidolla Sarekenov – corresponding member of National Engineering Academy of Kazakhstan, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science and technology, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Toktarhan Iskakov – classmate Head of State of the factory-technical colleges at Karmetkombinat (both formerly was called KGIU) and Honorary metallurgist, Viktor Nikonov – classmate Head of State on KarPTI veteran metallurgical plant, Kuanysh Omashev – holder of the Order “Kurmet” and “Parasat”, Freeman Temirtau.

– Lecture, held with the participation of T. Suleimenov and other associates of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is of great importance in the education of students and the formation of patriotic consciousness of young people, – said Rector Marat KGIU Ibatov.
Guests led by T. Suleimenov met with leading university laboratories.
On the same day T. Suleimenov took part in the opening ceremony of the audience, which was named honorary professor KGIU Shayhidena Zhukusheva. The plaque, flowers, solemn speeches – it was on this day. The relatives and former colleagues Shayhidena Manapovich, leading professors of the university took part in the opening ceremony, representatives of the department, where he worked. The best years of working life Sh.M. Zhukusheva held in this university. For the year as it is not in this world, but the memory of it alive. Shayhiden Manapovich began his career in the factory technical colleges at Karmetkombinat teacher of “Metallurgy of ferrous metals” on the invitation of the rector in 1964. This institution of higher education took career Sh Zhukusheva. In 1981, he opened a department of “Technology of metals and metallurgy” and served as the head, after 4 years was the head of the preparatory department, in 1992 – Associate Professor of “Materials Science and Physics of Metals”. From 1994 to 1999. He was dean of the evening, and then the correspondence departments. Shayhiden Manapovich for 35 years of work has made an invaluable contribution to the development of the University, produced a large number of specialists, who later became prominent political, public and government officials, heads of big companies and big businessmen.
Press-center of the KGIU
(Translated by Kastruba Leonid, AiU-15)