The concept of the Department of educational work and youth policy of Karaganda state industrial University
The concept of educational work and youth policy of KSIU is intended for students, as well as for the structural units of the University involved in the organization and conduct of educational work.
1.1. Educational work at the University is carried out in accordance with:
– Provisions Of the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “on education»;
– Strategic development plan of Kazakhstan until 2025;
– Messages Of The President Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan N. Ah. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan ” Kazakhstan-2030. Prosperity, security and improvement of welfare of all Kazakhstanis”, ” Kazakhstan’s way-2050: common goal, common interests, common future»;
– Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan” on state youth policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan ” dated February 9, 2015 № 285-V;
– Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan” on culture ” dated December 15, 2006 № 207;
– The law of RK” about languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan ” of July 11, 1997 N 151;
– State program of education development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020;
– State program of education development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016-2019;
By the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On housing relations” dated April 16, 1997 № 94.;
Program of employment 2020 on June 19, 2013 No. 636;
– Unified business support and development program ” business Road map 2020»;
– Program ” Affordable housing-2020»;
– Strategy ” Zhastar-Otanga!”youth wing” Zhas Otan ” NDP “Nur Otan” until 2020;
– Strategic plans of regional and local Executive bodies;
– Normative documents, orders, letters of the Ministry of education and science, based on a Comprehensive development program of Karaganda state industrial University for 2017-2018 academic year.
The purpose of educational work of the University: comprehensive and harmonious development of future specialists on the basis of the principles of integrity and unity, scientific validity, continuity, planning, stages of educational activities, the creation of educational environment in the University. Increasing attention to the problems of education of students, coordination of actions of all subjects of the educational process in solving the problems of youth in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Tasks of educational work :
* to form personal responsibility for the fate of Kazakhstan, active civil position;
* to form students ‘ negative attitude to corruption;
* encourage students to engage in active social activities;
- increase the corporate spirit of the students;
* involve the whole contingent of students in social activities;
* promote the idea of quality education in order to distract students from participating in religious and political associations;
* to develop mobility, competitiveness, positive value orientations, creative activity;
* to develop organizational skills through orientation to participation in self-government;
* to form scientific ideas about a healthy lifestyle, to instill skills of spiritual and physical self-improvement;
* to form a sense of corporate community, pride in belonging to the University;
* to form the experience of interethnic and inter-social communication, to prevent conflicts, etc.
Educational work is carried out in the following areas:
* development of interest in the chosen profession;
* political, legal and Patriotic education;
* prevention of religious extremism, terrorism and radicalization of religion;
* moral and spiritual education;
- aesthetic education;
- ecological education;
* intellectual education;
* formation of a healthy lifestyle and appropriate skills to strengthen and maintain health among students, social protection of youth;
* labor education of students;
* preservation and development of social infrastructure;
* development and implementation of youth capacity-building mechanisms;
* youth international cooperation, etc.
Through various activities in each age course, the University helps the student to know themselves in the five main spheres of life:
- knowledge (study, information, knowledge);
- practical activity (labor activity, skills);
- creativity (realization of creative and natural possibilities, abilities);
- physical development (realization of physical abilities);
- relationships (knowledge of yourself, people, interaction with them);
At the same time, the KGIU adheres to the basic principles of youth policy implementation:
- The success of young people is the success of our country!
- Quality education is the Foundation of the future!
- Young people are the driving force of the new economy!
- Youth health is a strategic resource of the future!
- Sport is a vital need of Kazakh youth!
- Family-support of youth!
7.Shanyrak (housing) – support of a young family!
- Safety and life activity in the youth environment!
- Culture is a source of patriotism, spirituality and tolerance!
- Active citizenship is an acquired quality that develops and improves throughout the life of a person!
- Interfaith harmony is an invaluable heritage for Kazakh youth!
- Army – school of courage and patriotism, spiritual and moral foundations of military spirit, strength and power.
- High legal culture is an important component of a competitive state!
In educational activities among students based on:
- Principle of development.
- The principle of individuality.
- The principle of creativity and success.
- The principle of support and trust.
- The principle of responsibility, etc.
Management of the educational process is carried out on the basis of the following documents:
* Plan of Educational work for the academic year.
* Comprehensive plan for educational work:
– Moral and spiritual education.
– Intellectual education.
– Political, legal and Patriotic education.
– Aesthetic education.
– Environmental education, etc.
* Plan of activities on educational work, dedicated to the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
* Action plan for the prevention of religious extremism, terrorism and radicalization of religion.
* Action plan for compliance with anti-corruption legislation.
The concept contains requirements:
– to the structure, forms, methods and means of development and formation of professional and personal qualities of students throughout the period of study at the University;
– to the organization of educational work with students.
The provisions of this Concept shall be applied by structural units, teaching staff, scientific and technical workers, teaching and support staff and University staff as a guide in educational work with students both in the learning process and in their free time.
Today, the country is facing new large-scale tasks of social modernization, accelerated innovative industrialization and mutually beneficial economic integration. Having consolidated the achievements of Independence, Kazakhstan intends to enter the number of developed countries in the third decade of the XXI century.
In these circumstances, a huge responsibility rests on young people, who will continue the baton of creative Affairs of the older generation, to raise the bar of national competitiveness even higher, to ensure Kazakhstan’s prosperity and recognition in the XXI century.
This mission only by Patriotic, educated, professional, physically and morally healthy, competitive, and socially and socially responsible young people.
In this regard, the priority task of the state is the adaptation of the state youth policy to modern realities, its focus on the formation of youth as the most important competitive potential of Kazakhstan.
Therefore, the formation of the personality of the future specialist, undoubtedly, deserves the closest attention of all educational institutions.
A specialist-graduate of a higher educational institution is, on the one hand, a person, on the other – an employee. Specialist as an employee is characterized by such qualities as professional knowledge, skills necessary to perform their professional duties. A specialist as a person is characterized by life values, motivation, perceived social norms regulating his activities.
The content and nature of work today increasingly require a young person entering into an independent life, not only the most modern education, deep knowledge of scientific, technical and economic bases of production, but also high intellectual and physical development, conscious, creative attitude to work.
The concept of formation and formation of a new type of specialist should include elements of production, labor and social infrastructure, take into account all the features of development and realization of the student’s potential, provide favorable conditions for his professional training and spiritual development, physical and moral health. At the same time, it is necessary to focus on the development of students ‘ abilities for self-improvement, on the formation of their active life position, the system of values, spiritual interests, democratic attitudes and principles corresponding to the new socio-economic conditions.
Raising the issue of development in training and education, it is necessary to clearly define the goals and objectives of educational activities, its focus, forms and methods. The work of the University staff should be based on the ideas of humanization, and direct efforts to the formation of a new humanitarian culture and humanitarian environment in the University. It is the formation of such an environment through the educational process and extracurricular activities that provides quality training.
The most important qualitative basis for the reform of higher education is now the humanization of education. The main task of humanization is to form in future specialists the desire to gain knowledge, to master the mechanisms of self-education.
The basis of humanization is the process of humanization.
The aim of humanization and humanization of higher education is to form a humanitarian environment in the University staff. The peculiarity of the formation of the humanitarian environment of the University in modern conditions is that its content should be humanistic, in line with the goals of the XXI century. This environment is aimed at turning the University not only into a training, professional center, but also in the cultural, scientific, intellectual, educational.
The humanitarian environment of the University has three levels:
– University environment, which includes all activities of the educational system, which has the appropriate material and technical infrastructure and solves the problem of training;
– socio-cultural environment-part of the University environment, providing a humanistic orientation of the formation of the spiritual world of the individual, based on the socio-cultural infrastructure of the University;
– humanitarian environment-part of the socio-cultural environment, determined by the receipt of ideological humanitarian knowledge, the formation of humanistic values of the individual.
The creation of a humanitarian environment as a necessary condition for the successful functioning of higher education requires a comprehensive solution of interrelated problems in the field of:
– implementation of the educational process;
– organization of life, leisure and recreation;
– artistic, scientific and technical creativity;
– development of physical culture;
– formation of a healthy lifestyle;
– creation of a comfortable social and psychological climate, atmosphere of trust and creativity, implementation of the idea of cooperation, democracy and humanism.
The formation of the personality of the future specialist is the main task of the higher education system, ensuring the development and formation of a professional, citizen, intellectual, with a modern scientific Outlook, capable of professional, intellectual and social creativity.
If this is the basis for the educational activities students undertake the following educational VALUES :
Values-socially significant for the individual, social community, society as a whole material, social objects, approved and shared by most people ideas about what is good, justice, patriotism. They serve as a standard, an ideal for all people, their formation is aimed at the pedagogical process.
- Patriotism
“To be a patriot is to carry Kazakhstan in your heart,” the Head of our state defined this value. For young Kazakhstanis, a vivid example of a Patriot of their country is the labor and life path of The leader of the Nation.
The homeland begins in a family where the special personal relation to the earth, its history, culture, the people inhabiting it, weekdays and holidays, symbols of the state is formed.
The independence of our state is a bright symbol of pride and patriotism of Kazakhstan. The high and sacred concept of independence is the basis of the unity and national idea of Kazakhstan, designed to unite our people, and will become an invaluable property of descendants, who will continue to build the country’s future.
New Kazakhstan patriotism is the basis of the success of our multi-ethnic and multi-religious society. The Foundation of Kazakhstan patriotism is the equality of all citizens and their common responsibility for the honor of the Motherland.
It is extremely important to form an understanding among young people that patriotism is a great responsibility for themselves, their families and Homeland.
- Unity of the people
Stability is the basis of success and the main result of the 20-year development of Kazakhstan. The unity of the multi-ethnic and multi – religious people of Kazakhstan is an absolute value and the task of all generations – to protect this value and increase it for the prosperity of the country.
- Cultural diversity is a value that unites rather than divides. Kazakhstan’s mentality based on ethnic diversity should not be dissolved in the global flow of culture, it should be preserved by the younger generation as a unique national treasure.
Influencing the processes of moral formation of young people, the state should pay attention to the growth of the General level of culture, the development of communication technologies.
It is necessary to ensure that the level of youth development meets the requirements of the third Millennium. Ensuring the rights to freedom of conscience and religion in accordance with the law should be an important area of work.
- Tolerance
The unique model of interethnic and interreligious harmony of the Head of our state should become the basis for the formation of tolerance of the younger generation, calm understanding and respectful perception of ethnic and religious differences. The youth of the country, which is the bearer of the dialogue of cultures, religions and civilization, the bridge between East and West, North and South, more than anyone should be interested in spreading the culture of peace and harmony.
Today, in the age of information technology, every young person should have an internal “filter” that can distinguish between good and bad. The presence of such a “filter” will significantly expand and strengthen the basis of interfaith harmony in the country.
- Respect for law
It is obvious that only law-abiding citizens are able to improve democracy and build a truly legal state. The life habit of young people should be strict adherence to the letter and spirit of the law. This is especially important at a stage when the younger generation is just forming the skills of “adult” life. The growth of legal consciousness, the formation of respect for the established rules and norms of behavior should be the object of special attention of all social institutions. The authority of the law should be firmly entrenched in the consciousness of Kazakh youth as the basic value of the modern stage of development.
- Education
The traditional values of youth-education and career-should be revised to take into account the clear orientation of the education system to the labour market, to ensure that the education and training system is in line with economic, social and business realities, taking into account the identified needs and technological innovations. Increasing the prestige of science among young people and involving them in the development of innovative projects should become one of the main guidelines of youth policy.
- Industry
In the society of Universal Labor, the most important basic value of young people should be diligence and special work ethics, which is based on the involvement of young people in economic and labor activity. In this regard, the programs of forced industrialization, social modernization, creation of a society of universal labor represent an unprecedented chance for self-realization of young people.
High mobility of young people is of great economic value. According to research, a third of young people are ready to go to work in any region of the country. Readiness for social adaptation in any conditions, the natural desire of young people to assert themselves can solve the problem of internal migration in the points of growth – Astana, Almaty, Shymkent, Aktobe, Aktau.
- Innovativeness
The transition to an innovative economy actualizes the problem of formation of innovative behavior of Kazakhstan’s youth. Youth is not curious about everything that it associates with yesterday. Therefore, due to their susceptibility to everything new, adaptability to life changes, creative intellectual energy and readiness for socially active activities, young people should become a conductor and accelerator of the introduction of new ideas, initiatives and technologies. It should be associated with the progress of Kazakhstan’s science, especially natural and technical Sciences. The way of youth to science is the way to the future.
- Family
Family in Kazakhstan has always been considered as the most important socio-forming element. It is the basis of the existence of society, the state, the most important link in the system of moral and spiritual coordinates of man.
Live communication of generations is carried out in the family. Therefore, the formation of a sense of social responsibility for other people, which begins with responsibility for their loved ones in the family, should be key to the implementation of youth policy. The value of human life, its security and its continuation are inextricably linked with the family.
- Health and sports
In the field of implementation of the state youth policy should include the promotion of the value of health and sports. The principle of joint responsibility for one’s health, abandonment of bad habits, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle remains highly significant.
Sport in Kazakhstan today is the sphere where social elevators work most smoothly. The world success of Kazakhstan’s athletes clearly shows that boys and girls, showing perseverance, character and hard work, can achieve high results, and with them recognition and respect.
The development of sports and mass physical culture should be a special priority of youth policy.
- Professionalism
The market economy and post-industrial development of Kazakhstan necessitate the formation of new strategies of socio-economic behavior of young people. Professional identity and career, the integration in the labour market and the desire for success must be regarded as an important mechanism of socialization of young people.
At the same time, it is important to form young people’s commitment to the principles of meritocracy (“the power of the worthy”). The main attribute of a modern professional career should be the promotion of the levels of status, professional, official hierarchy solely on merit. Young people should move forward with positive ideals and equal to the best, those who rose to the top of success thanks to their own talent, efficiency and personal responsibility.
- New environmental ethics
The development of the” green economy ” as the basis of industrialization actualizes environmental issues. Young people should become the bearer of a new environmental ethics, take care of their native land and its natural resources.
The orientation of educational work is determined by the humanistic goals of higher education, social order for quality training of specialists with higher education, the individual needs of all participants in the educational process.
The most important areas of educational work at the University should be considered:
– strengthening of the educational aspect of vocational training, taking into account worldview knowledge;
– complex solution of interrelated problems in the field of educational process, organization of life, leisure and recreation, artistic, scientific and technical creativity; development of physical culture and sports, the formation of a healthy lifestyle;
– creating a comfortable socio-psychological climate, atmosphere of trust and creativity, providing real conditions for the development of participants in the educational process on the basis of pedagogy of cooperation, democracy and humanism, their active interaction;
– improvement of fundamental scientific training in the field of social and humanitarian, General scientific and technical disciplines.
The fundamentalization of education is considered as:
– the base of General cultural, social, scientific and technical basis of the formed system of knowledge, culture, modern worldview, as well as such necessary qualities of a specialist as the universality of engineering knowledge, the breadth of scientific and technical thought, the ability to self-education, professional mobility;
– development of material and technical base and socio-cultural sphere (sufficient amount of educational literature, computer classes, teaching rooms, reading rooms, laboratories, equipped with modern devices, etc.));
– search for the most effective ways and means of education of students in all spheres of their life;
– organization and conduct of sociological research.
The formation of the student’s personality involves the implementation of a system of educational influences, including the educational process, research, social, artistic and creative activities, the sphere of communication, the environment, nature, art, etc.
The main principles of the organization of the system of training and education in modern conditions should be:
-compliance of the organization of educational work and all activities of the University modern principles of higher education in the country (democratization, humanization, activity of the individual, etc.).);
– unity of scientific, applied and practical aspects of the system of education;
– striving for the most complete satisfaction of the needs of all participants in the process of education;
– scientific support for the development of the system of training and education of students.
Socially significant qualities of the personality of the future specialist formed in higher school:
– worldview (humanism, spirituality, harmony, integrity);
– professionalism (professional competence): knowledge, skills, creativity, activity, responsibility;
– social activity (sense of duty, communication, collectivism, courage, will, optimism, perseverance, energy, organization, mobility, discipline, honesty, etc.));
– a certain cultural and intellectual level;
– civil maturity.
5.1. Vocational training
The most important element in the training of the future specialist, his formation as a person – modern knowledge.
Training should focus on::
– development of students ‘ needs to study, education of attitude to work and professionalism as the highest moral and life values;
– formation of skills and practical skills of effective use of fundamental and natural science knowledge in solving applied problems and in scientific research;
– formation of labor activity in all spheres of educational activity, in mastering advanced techniques and means of labor.
The most important areas of improvement of professional training should be considered:
– organization of the educational process on the basis of advanced pedagogical technologies, providing the opportunity to choose the model of training and obtaining a student complex of knowledge that best meet his needs, ideals, values and individual abilities (development of scientific plans and programs, forms and methods of training, individualizing different models of training, the relationship between students and teachers);
– providing conditions for the development of creative self-educational activities of students (rational planning, organization and control of independent work of students, the use of various forms and methods of organization of the educational process, the development of independence and initiative).
5.2. Education of patriotism and internationalism, culture of interethnic communication, work on combating terrorism and other manifestations of extremism
Education of patriotism and international involves:
– education of interest in military-Patriotic work and military profession;
– formation of knowledge on the problems of internationalism and patriotism, understanding the role of the national question in modern conditions;
– education of students ‘ sense of self-awareness of a citizen of Kazakhstan, the emergence of a spiritually healthy love for their Country, their people, devotion and selfless service, understanding of the true responsibilities to society and the state.
The formation of a culture of interethnic communication is achieved:
– mastering and applying certain internationalist norms of behavior, methods and forms of friendly relations between representatives of different ethnic groups;
– education of humane attitude, tact and respect for representatives of other nationalities;
– maintaining a critical attitude to the manifestation of chauvinism and national egoism among students, mastering the knowledge of social psychology to perceive the peculiarities of culture and life of representatives of other nationalities.
Education of patriotism and internationalism is carried out mainly in the educational process. An important role in the education of patriotism and internationalism belongs to educational activities carried out both in educational groups and University-wide activities.
Work on combating terrorism and extremism is organized in the following areas.
– conducting in all student groups conversations curators, civil DEFENSE and emergency services on how to act in an extreme situation.
– organization of conversations with responsible employees of the Department of internal Affairs on crime prevention among young people.
– organization of discussions in student groups with the responsible employees of the NSC of Karaganda region and Temirtau on combating terrorism and other manifestations of extremism.
-conducting by curators, teachers of social and humanitarian disciplines cycles of conversations, conferences, etc.on the problems of racial discrimination, the activities of neo-fascist and extremist groups.
– involvement of students in the organization and conduct of events, actions on Patriotic education, counter terrorism and extremism in the KRMU, to participate in such events at the city level, the region.
– conducting sociological research to study the problems of combating terrorism and extremism at the University and develop recommendations for their resolution.
5.3. Moral education of the individual
Moral education should be directed to::
– formation and development of morality of the individual as a measure of assimilation of its universal and traditional-national humanistic values, which is expressed in the degree of awareness of the student of the truth of good, justice, freedom of conscience, honor, and education of nobility, honesty, decency, justice and responsibility;
– development of self-consciousness and social optimism, formation, stability and maturity of humanistic Outlook and historical consciousness, readiness and ability to socially responsible behavior and activity;
– assimilation of the personality of socio-cultural experience.
5.4. The intellectual education of the individual:
- Complex of knowledge and skills in the field of culture of mental work.
- The ability to determine the goals of cognitive activity, plan it.
- Perform cognitive operations in a variety of ways.
- Work with sources, office equipment, own information technology.
- Engage in self-education, etc.
In the intellectual sphere it is necessary to form: the volume, depth, effectiveness of knowledge about moral values: moral ideals, principles, norms of behavior.
As a result, there is the formation of new motives and needs, their transformation, subordination, etc.
Indicators of intellectual education:
- knowledge of basic Sciences;
- knowledge of mental operations;
- knowledge of intellectual skills;
- the presence of scientific worldview.
Tasks of intellectual education:
- formation of motivation of educational and cognitive activity;
- development of cognitive interests, needs for self-education;
- development of all kinds of thinking
- mastering the experience of cognitive activity, creativity;
- development of erudition and Outlook, intellectual freedom of the individual.
5.5. Aesthetic education of the individual
Aesthetic education should be aimed at::
– satisfaction of spiritual needs and interests of the individual;
– introduction of students to artistic creativity;
– development of aesthetic abilities, healthy needs and high aesthetic taste; development of aesthetic culture skills.
For the practice of aesthetic education should be characterized by a combination of forms and methods that provide aesthetic perception and include students in active aesthetic activities
5.6. Implement mechanisms to unleash the potential of young people
In order to ensure the participation of young people in solving problems in the field of youth policy, the task is to ensure their presence in representative bodies.
It is planned to train active young people among students with organizational skills and leadership qualities, as well as leaders of youth organizations in the framework of social projects with the active participation of the OVP Temirtau.
In order to support creative youth, it is planned to hold annual national competitions, games, tournaments, KVN, including Debate tournaments, followed by the participation of Kazakhstan teams in international competitions, brain – rings, games, etc.
5.7. Education of physically and spiritually healthy personality
Physical education is a mass means of activization of educational and educational activity of students and should be directed on:
– comprehensive development of physical and spiritual forces, increase of efficiency, creative activity and longevity of future specialists;
– development of students ‘ knowledge of physical culture and sports;
– education of moral and volitional qualities, continuous improvement of skills of students-athletes and involvement of all students in mass sports work;
– the introduction of physical culture and sports in the life of students, health work and promotion of sanitary and hygienic knowledge.
– to adopt a program for the organization of work at the University on the prevention of drug, alcohol, nicotine and other types of addictions, as well as HIV infections in students, etc.
5.8. Youth international cooperation
Youth cooperation is the most important resource to ensure sustainable, effective socio-economic development and scientific and technological progress of countries and increase their competitiveness in the context of globalization, one of the most promising forms of integration partnership, a factor in the preservation and deepening of friendly relations between countries.
The main goal of international youth cooperation is to reveal the creative, educational, social, spiritual and moral potential of the young generation on the basis of mutual enrichment of national cultures and experience of cooperation of States in science, education and other areas of humanitarian activities to strengthen friendship, mutual understanding and interaction of peoples.
The main tasks of international youth cooperation include:
* education of young people in the spirit of common humanistic values of the peoples of the participating States, tolerance, friendship and good neighborliness, culture of peace, inter-ethnic and inter-religious harmony, respect for the culture, languages, history and traditions of other peoples;
* formation of young people’s active life position, involvement of young people in the social, political, social and economic life of their countries and inter-state cooperation;
* increasing the innovative activity of young people in various fields, its participation in the creation of modern technologies.
International youth cooperation is implemented in different directions, such as:
* training and development, employment and career development assistance;
* support for socially vulnerable youth, including disabled persons, orphans, children from large and disadvantaged families, refugees and internally displaced persons;
* identification and support of talented youth in all spheres of social, creative and scientific activities, promotion of competitiveness as part of the innovation process;
* support of youth volunteer (volunteer) movement and student groups.
International youth cooperation is based on the following principles:
– democracy in approaches to youth, respect for the rights and freedoms of young citizens;
– ensuring equal opportunities for the younger generation of the Commonwealth countries (regardless of gender, nationality, social status and religious affiliation);
– respect for the basic values and cultures of the peoples of the near and far abroad;
– orientation to the implementation of projects and programs with clearly defined goals and specific performance criteria (the principle of focus, reality and rationality of action);
– progressiveness and novelty;
– support for socially vulnerable youth (disabled children, orphans, large and disadvantaged young families);
– intercultural and interreligious dialogue;
– willingness to cooperate with all international youth organizations;
– the use of progressive innovative approaches to the formation of mechanisms of international youth cooperation.
6.1. Organization of educational process
The greatest educational impact on students in the University has the organization of the educational process, creating an atmosphere of active, creative mastery of the specialty.
The main requirements for the organization of the educational process, providing training of initiative, creative thinking specialists should be:
– compliance of training with the state qualification characteristics and curricula designed to ensure the real unity of the educational and scientific process and to enable mobile, depending on the constantly evolving needs of society and industry, to change its content and priorities;
– improving the educational process by creating an atmosphere of competition for the deep and creative development of academic disciplines, the introduction of the educational process of computers, business games and other forms of active learning activities that stimulate creativity and independent thinking of students, the development of interdisciplinary knowledge;
– improving the level of scientific research, strengthening the connection of the scientific process with the objectives of improving the quality of training (introduction of the elements of creative search in the educational process, involving the majority of students in research work in the educational process, the implementation of measures aimed at the broad involvement of teachers, researchers and graduate students in the management of research); ensuring the development of basic research as a basis for improving the theoretical level of applied research and the most important conditions for the training of specialists of a wide profile;
– systematic analysis and generalization of the experience of the departments on the use of various forms and methods of educational activities, the most effective form of professional qualities of students and meet the challenges of socio-economic development of society in modern conditions;
– carrying out of examinations-competitions of academic groups, subject Olympiads, etc.; organization of scientific and technical conferences, submission of student works to competitions and reviews, etc.;
– creation of conditions for the development of student self-government issues of labor and professional education.
Means of achieving professional training of students is the organization of practical activity of students in all spheres of University life: in the educational process and research work, in the production and public works.
6.2. Creating a system of General and special awareness of students.
Continuous informing of students about the various spheres of life of the University during the entire period of their training should be provided by the creation of a constantly updated system of information, which includes::
– work of the newspaper “Student Bulletin»;
– organization of thematic exhibitions of literature, other forms of active interaction with the library, museums, centers;
– creation of various booklets, reference books, etc.;
– meetings with senior students, University graduates, scientists, prominent specialists, etc.;
– holding of University-wide celebrations, holidays, etc.;
– constant information content of the KGIU website;
– development and implementation of recommendations on the organization of mental work and independent work of students in the framework of educational activities, etc.,
– promotion of the positive experience of the group and individual students in the media and in the newspaper, etc.
The information system should provide:
– familiarization of students with the traditions of the University, its structure, internal regulations, rights and obligations of students, etc.; organization of the educational process and research; tasks and activities of various departments and public organizations of the University; opportunities for cultural, spiritual and physical development within the University and beyond;
– formation skills training, research and community service: book, notes, computer, in preparation for the laboratory work, test, Colloquium, seminars;
– independent work of students, search and storage of scientific information, etc.;
– development of independence, activity, interest in mental work (planning mode and timely implementation of schedules of the educational process, the organization of the workplace, etc.), the education of commitment and discipline.
6.3. Implementation of a democratic and open system of social partnership
The most fruitful process of education and training is provided by a properly built system of relations between the teacher and the students.
The necessary conditions for the implementation of a democratic system of social partnership at the University are:
– functioning of the Institute of teachers-curators of student groups of Junior courses of full-time Department. Their functions should include the problems of informing students on various issues of University life, mentoring and social partnership;
– regular meetings of students with representatives of the University administration, heads of departments, curators;
– improvement of various forms of student self-government.
6.4.Ensuring professional readiness of teachers to implement modern pedagogical principles
Implementation of the tasks of training and education is carried out in the process of communication between the teacher and students. This field of activity requires the teacher to know the features of personality development, its needs, interests and goals, as well as the mutual psychological disposition of the student and the teacher.
In order to ensure professional readiness for the implementation of modern pedagogical principles, teachers are required to continuously improve their level of pedagogical culture, develop the ability to actively manage relationships in the educational team.
Improvement of pedagogical and professional skills of teachers is provided:
– system of advanced training and retraining;
– permanent seminars and short-term training courses.
The tasks of all-round development of the student’s personality are most effectively solved in the process of educational work in his spare time, the main purpose of which is to develop through its various forms of professional, artistic, sports and other abilities of students, to expand the possibilities of cultural and spiritual growth.
Work on the organization of leisure of students as an active form of extracurricular activities involves the inclusion of students in the preparation and conduct of cultural and leisure activities. Students and creative teams are actively involved in the organization, preparation, development and conduct of cultural and sports events, which are carried out in accordance with the regulations, The plan of educational work of the University.
Cultural and sports events:
– official and solemn meetings;
– concert program;
– folklore holiday;
– competitions and festivals;
– student promotions, flash mobs;
– festive procession;
– meetings with outstanding figures of education, science, culture, art of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries;
– participation in city, regional, national and international competitions, festivals, Championships.
The theme of cultural, leisure and sports activities of the University reflects the official events dedicated to public holidays, significant and memorable dates:
– Constitution day (30 August);
– Knowledge day (September 1);
– The day of languages of people of Kazakhstan (September 22);
– International day of older persons (1 October);
– Teacher’s day (first Sunday in October);
– International students ‘ Day (17 November);
– World AIDS day;
– National holiday-Independence Day (December 16);
public holiday – new year (1 January);
– Day of gratitude in Kazakhstan (March 1);
– International women’s day (8 March);
– Nauryz (March 22);
– Holiday of unity of the people of Kazakhstan (may 1);
– Victory day (may 9);
– Day of Defenders of the Fatherland (may 7);
– Day of state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan (June 4);
– Day of the capital (July 6);
– City day, etc.
The system of extra-curricular educational work (VVR) includes:
– the work of the University as a whole, its departments and divisions;
– holding of University holidays;
– educational work in hostels.
Various student associations should play an important role in the organization of the WWR: clubs, centers, societies, interest groups, etc.
Forms and methods of extracurricular educational work are diverse:
– music evenings, readers ‘ conferences, question and answer evenings, debates, oral magazines, discos;
– meetings with writers, composers, actors, discussions and lectures on achievements in the field of literature, music, art;
– presentation of books and personal exhibitions of artists, photographers, exhibitions of scientific achievements, information material about the history of the University;
– organization of discussion clubs on interests, creative associations, theatrical, choreographic groups, song and dance ensembles, etc.;
– organization of visits to concerts, performances, cultural trips to the Museum, etc.;
– development of concert activity of Amateur art groups;
– organization of visits to museums, familiarization with the monuments of history and culture of the city, region and country;
– scientific student conferences, competitions, competitions of student works, abstracts;
– formation of students ‘ high legal culture, deep respect for the Constitution, laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the principles and norms of legal, civilized society, not only in the educational process, but also the whole life style of the University, the activities of managers at all levels;
– strengthening of legal education of students, preventive work to prevent violations of public order, the rules of the hostel by organizing lectures and conversations with the invitation of experts of the court, the Prosecutor’s office and the Department of internal Affairs of Temirtau and Karaganda region;
– conducting propaganda among students on the problems of environmental management, etc.
Improving the level of physical education and sports and mass work through:
– ensuring the connection of physical education of students with the educational process through the system of physical education;
– development of material and technical base for physical training at the University and in student dormitories;
– improvement of methodical and scientific bases of physical education;
– involvement of students and teachers in sports activities, activation of work on the preparation of athletes;
– improvement of physical-sports and health-improving activity;
– holding of mass sports events (games, crosses, competitions in sports; contests among departments for the best staging of sports and mass work, etc.));
– development of student self-government in the field of physical education and sports through the organization of Amateur physical education work.
Forms of educational work in hostels:
– lectures, conversations, consultations with teachers, evenings of rest, meetings with interesting people;
– organization of evenings of questions and answers, contests, concerts, Amateur festivals;
– sports events, competitions between rooms, floors, residential buildings, etc.
The annual city contests for the best organization of educational work in hostels have a positive impact on the improvement of all educational work in hostels.
One of the promising areas of extracurricular educational work is its professionalization and related issues of methodological, personnel and financial support. Professionalization of VVR is a way to create an atmosphere of spirituality, moral and aesthetic environment in the University.
Professionalization of extracurricular educational work involves:
– availability of professional organizers with psychological and pedagogical knowledge and modern Outlook;
– coordination of the activities of various higher education institutions of the WWR with the help of a single center;
– material and technical base.
An important role in solving the problems of forming the personality of the future specialist is given to sociological research, the main direction of which should be the analysis of the comfort of the humanitarian environment in the University in order to identify shortcomings and weaknesses in the activities of the team and to develop specific recommendations aimed at improving educational work at the University.
9.1. Educational work at the University is headed by the Director of educational work and youth policy
Director Durin called:
– initiate and coordinate the activities of all departments of the University involved in educational work with students;
– to carry out General management and control over the preparation and implementation of plans of educational work in the KGIU.
9.2. Development of plans, the organization and control of their performance, the analysis of results with offers on improvement of educational work is assigned:
– KSIU – Director of the DDA and MP;
– the Dean – Vice-deans;
– at the departments-at the heads of departments and their deputies for educational work;
– in dormitories – for supervisors of student dormitories.
9.3. Implementation of plans of educational work at the departments is provided:
– activities of the faculty and staff of the Department;
– functioning of the Institute of young teachers-curators of full-time student groups;
– the activities of various public student organizations.
9.4. Implementation of plans of educational work in student dormitories:
– work of student councils of dormitories together with deans and departments, with the involvement of the teaching staff and staff.
Student councils of dormitories are the bodies of student self-government in dormitories. Their role is to attract a wide asset of students to participate in the struggle for a high culture of life, for cleanliness and order, for intolerant attitude to negative phenomena.
A special role in the organization and conduct of educational work is given to the media of the University (the newspaper “Student Bulletin” and the website of the KGIU).
An important place in the education of physically and spiritually healthy personality of the future specialist, in improving its performance, creative activity and longevity belongs to the Department of physical culture and sports and sports sections.
A necessary component of the process of formation of the creative personality of the student, increasing its independence and responsibility to society is the student government.
The range of issues to which decision can be brought by the students are diverse: participation in the discussion of the results of training and educational activities, the effectiveness of the organization of independent work of students, the distribution of seats in the hostel, including the adoption of decisions on the expulsion of the students from it and a lot more.
Student self-government – a form of management that involves the active participation of students in the preparation, adoption and implementation of management decisions relating to the life of the institution or its individual units, the protection of the rights and interests of students, the inclusion of students in various types of socially significant activities. – organization of life mainly within the University in all areas affecting the interests of students;
The main objectives of the student government of the University are:
– creation of conditions for personal and professional self-development, the disclosure of the internal potential of each student and attract them to participate actively in the life of the University;
– ensuring effective protection of the real rights of students in all spheres of life.
– formation of students ‘ active citizenship, sense of personal involvement and responsibility for all aspects of life of the University;
– creation of conditions for future professionals to gain experience and skills of life in the team, the development of organizational skills;
– inclusion of students in the management of the University at all levels, in the adoption of joint, responsible decisions;
– creation of a favorable social and psychological climate in the student environment;
– strengthening and development of the positive image of the University, careful preservation of University traditions and its history;
– ensuring the discipline of students in the educational process, the proper level of performance, purposeful organization of extracurricular time, life and leisure.
In General, student self – government is a special form of initiative, independent, under the responsibility of social activities of students aimed at solving important issues of life of students: life, leisure, learning.