“I am very proud that 50 years ago
I was among those who graduated this university which was called higher technical education institution
and got a referral to industry.”

N.A. Nazarbayev

Rector's blog

For the period of 50 years Karaganda State Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading hig...

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Amenova Aliya


KSIU, “Materials science and technology of new materials”, Bachelor of Materials Science and Technology of New Materials, 2008.

KSIU, “Materials science and technology of new materials”, Master in Materials Science and Technology of New Materials, 2010.

KazNTU after K.I. Satpaev, “Materials science and technology of new materials”, PhD in 6D071000 – Materials Science and Technology of New Materials, 2014.

Since Oct. 10, 2009 till July 01, 2010 – assistant of the “Metallurgy and Materials Science” Department.

Since Sep. 1, 2010 till Aug. 26, 2011 – assistant of the “Metallurgy and Materials Science” College Department.

Since Feb. 2, 2012 till Dec. 31, 2014 – Junior Researcher of KazNTU after K.I. Satpaev.

Since Sep. 5, 2014 was transferred to the position of the teacher of “Materials processing with pressure” Department of KSIU.

Since Oct. 17, 2014 – Head of the Department of Science and Innovations of KSIU.


2015 – for honest work, active working activity, contribution to socio-economic development of the city, and devoted to the 20th Anniversary of the Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan was awarded by Akim Honorary Diploma of Temirtau.

  • – Елбасы, Партия Төрағасы Нұрсұлтан Назарбаевтың сындарлы саясатын жүзеге асыруға атсалысып, партияның бағдарламалық мақсатттары мен міндеттерін орындауға қатысқаны үщін және Қазақстан Республикасының Тәуелсіздігі күніне орай «Нұр Отан» партиясының Теміртау қалалық филиалының Төрағасы Ғалым Әшімов (Akim) АЛҒЫС ХАТ.
  • – Ministry of Education and Science, For progress in on education of younger generation of a contribution and development of an education system and long-term work and the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan E. Sagadiyev letter of thanks.