“I am very proud that 50 years ago
I was among those who graduated this university which was called higher technical education institution
and got a referral to industry.”

N.A. Nazarbayev

Rector's blog

For the period of 50 years Karaganda State Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading hig...

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Program of enhancement of information and library support

Creation of the highly productive information environment and implementation of information and communicative technologies in all fields of activity.

In the sphere of control of higher education institution information technologies are the main means which will allow to create advantages in the competitive educational environment. Control of higher education institution on the basis of information technologies is the complex challenge requiring the solution of organizational and technological problems taking into account economic feasibility.

To the strategic directions of development of information and communication structures are carried:

1 . Further accumulation of rates of the informatization connected to development and upgrade of the vital objects of informatization taking into account world tendencies of development of computer aids and telecommunication equipment.

2 . Continuation of operations on enhancement of structure and composition of the corporate information environment of the higher education institution coordinated with an operating organization structure and accepted business rules, created on the basis of integration of information resources on a corporate network, having provided thus:

  • implementation of the universal methods of an information access;
  • effective higher education institution activities in execution of its strategic objectives;
  • unity of educational and administrative processes in higher education institution.

The modern demands made to high-quality training, require development of high school library according to those tendencies on which educational process is built.

Now one of leading ideas of development of university is a directivity on the informatization of education based on widespread introduction and use of new information technologies with an output on single world system of information support, including through Republican interuniversity electronic library.

For the development till 2015 the library sets before itself next strategic objectives:

  • rationally to use the budgetary and extrabudgetary funds on addition of a library stock;
  • to create conditions for increase of efficiency of formation and use of funds of educational literature; to speed up operation with university chairs on acquisition of new educational literature and detection of obsolete literature; to acquire new multiple-copy educational literature only according to requests of chairs;
  • actively to implement new library information technologies in all fields of activity of library;
  • to provide step-by-step implementation of the modern automated library information system; to enhance library and bibliographic processes on the basis of use of new library information technologies, the modern computer and other technical means;
  • to increase quality of service of users, having provided a completeness, efficiency and comfort of service; to implement electronic books in service department; to expand the range and volume of information and library services;
  • to continue operation on support of full access of users to remote information resources; to expand access to electronic resources to teachers and employees from the computers set in a reading room;
  • to raise level of information culture of users taking into account the modern requirements to level of information literacy and culture on the basis of use of new information technologies;
  • to activate library resources: information and documentary funds, reference device, professional potential of employees;
  • to enhance structure and methods of control over library, scientific and methodical support of all activities of library for execution of goals;
  • to create proper response of library workers to the increased needs of the modern reader of library, by means of their warning and support with all necessary complex of information and library services.

Our strategic steps.

1 . Promotion of Republican interuniversity electronic library, as systems of specialized services and additional opportunities.

2 . Further work on creation of the electronic directory.

3 . Digitization of issuings which allows to transfer printing issuing to the machine-readable text.

4 . Increase in quantity of educational and scientific literature in a state language.

5 . To provide everyone being trained possibility of access to the modern information bases, including to Republican interuniversity electronic library.