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Articles published in scientific magazines (2012)



Articles published in scientific magazines

Authors’ full name

Article’s name

Output data

Ibatov М.К.

Yavorskiy V.V.

Аkenov S.Sh.Intellectual systems of the data analysis of city transport infrastructure”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Yavorskiy V.V.

Аkenov S.Sh.Modeling of formation of passenger traffics in system of city passenger transport”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Yavorskiy V.V.

Demin V.F.

Dolgonosov V.N.Intellectual system of the analysis of data on technological parameters of mining process”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Кukalo L.I.

Кukalo I.А.About increase of intellectual and activity potential of bachelors”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Gelmanova Z.S.Approaches to creation of the integrated system of managementMessenger of regional development № 1 (31), 2012.Gelmanova Z.S.System of social insurance as an element of social and economic relations of modern KazakhstanMagazine “Вестник” of the Karaganda Economic University: economy, philosophy, pedagogics, law № 2 (24), 2012.Nurumgaliyev А.Kh.

Оspanov А.А.Research of technological indicators of receiving alloy on the basis of silicon, aluminum and manganese”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Sydykova N.U.,

Аleshchenko К.I.,

Тоrgovets А.К.Studying of influence of ammonium  sulfate on degree of a dearsenization and cobalt extraction in solution from gold arsenic concentrates”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Коrshunova Т.N.,

Тоrgovets А.К.,

Pikalova I.А.Comparative analysis of warm

isolating mixes of an industrial ladle”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Zhumashev К.Zh.,

Тоrgovets А.К.,

Аlpysbayeva Z.Е.Research of off-balance copper and sulphidic ore of

Zhezkazgan region”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Zhumashev К.Zh.,

Тоrgovets А.К.,

Аlpysbayeva Z.Е.Copper extraction from off-balance copper and sulphidic raw materials from Annensky’s field”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Мuraviуeva Е.S.Assessment of processes of direct reduction metallurgy of iron and tendency of their development”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Smailov S.А.,

Тоrgovets А.К.Size influence of gas containing on parameters of a liquid bathtub”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Smailov S.А.,

Тоrgovets А.К.Mathematical modeling of non-stationary hashing of a liquid bathtub”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Smailov S.А.,

Shishkin Yu.I., Аltynbekov B.Zh.,

Drakin A.Yu.Using of fire-resistant scrap for hot repairs of converters”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Lekhtmets V.L., Sheptalova Е.S.Development of technology of application of blast slag for the purpose of replacement of sandy and gravel mix in construction concrete”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Baysanov S.О.,

Zhaksylykov D.А.

Тоrgovets А.К.

Baysanov А.S.

Shabanov Е.Zh.Receiving a complex alloy on a basis of system Fe – Mn – Si – Al – from ferromanganese ores”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Sydykova N.U.

Zhumashev K.Zh.

Тоrgovets А.К.Condition of slimes processing of gas purification of shops in production of cast iron and steel”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Shabanov Е.Zh.

Baysanov S.О.,

Тоrgovets А.К.

Zhaksylykov D.А.

Коrsukova I.Ya.Determination of energy size of  activation of thermal processes when smelting aluminum-silicone-chrome”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Lekhtmets V.L., Sheptalova Е.S.Development of application  technology of blast slag for the purpose of replacement of a sandy-gravel mix in construction concrete”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Lekhtmets V.L., Маkhorina А.I.Development of application  technology of blast slag for the purpose of partial replacement of cement in concrete”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Baygabatov Т.S.



Pluses and minuses of testing control of students’ knowledge


“Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Baygabatov Т.S.



Independent work of undergraduates at credit system of training”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Baymbetova М.К.Scientific and methodical recommendations about the organization of training in the Russian word formation in national groups in  higher education institutions”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Nayzabekov А.B. Volokitina I.Е.Equal-channel angular pressing of brass ЛЖМц-66-4-7″Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Nayzabekov А.B. Volokitina I.Е.Evolution of recrystailization structure of copper at equal-channel angular pressing”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Nayzabekov А.B. Sadenova А.Research of intense deformed condition in the course of pressing and drawing at different cornersВестник КарГТУ, Караганда, 2012Nayzabekov А.B. Sadenova А.Influence of heat treatment on evolution of structure and properties of a steel wire in the course of pressing drawing”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Nayzabekov А.B. AndreyashchenkoV.А.

Shpudeyko I.P.Structural and phase analysis of an alloy of Al-Si-Fe systemВестник КазНТУ им. К. Сатпаева, Алматы, 2012ТаlmazanV.А.


Nargelov Е.Е.Development of the production technology of a hot-rolled leaf with realization of intensive plastic deformation”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Таlmazan V.А.

Маralov S.А.Development and research of the production technology of a hot-rolled leaf with use of technological greasings”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Lezhnev S.N.

Ilyin А.А.Development and research of the production technology of a high-quality wire with a diameter of 7 mm used by NORD NS LLС at production of ferroconcrete cross ties”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Таlmazan V.А.

Lezhnev S.N.

Nargelov Е.Е.Research of the production technology of a hot-rolled leaf with realization of intensive plastic deformation”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Naboko Е.P.Application of generating gas in power system”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Chernyshova Т.I.,

Аlpatov N.V.Dependence of durability of carboniferous briquettes on a storage time”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Lelikova О.N.Relevance of construction of a production boiler room in the conditions of JSC “TЭMK””Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Bazarov B.А.,

Каldanova B.О.Resistance to shift of the recondensed sample”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Bokova Е.V.Forms of designs damage at impact of the compelled shifts of the basis”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Saifullina А.R.Economically effective bases under thrust designs of agricultural buildings”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Bazarov B.А.,

Аbdiyusupov А.G.,

Yerzhanov D.R.To a question of the deformations of a land surface caused by underground mining operations, as factor of load of constructions”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Моlchanova Е.S.Features of tectonic violations with intensive development of deformations”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Nayzabekov А.B.,

Bykhin М.B., Nogayev К.А., Bykhin B.B.Choice the basis of the scheme of the deformation realizing at hot rolling”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Ilkun V.I.About tendencies of development of science and the higher education in the second half of XX and the beginning of the XXI centuries”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Gurushkin А.V., Sivyakova G.А.

The combined methods of modernization and adjustment of multi-engine electric drives in the conditions of operating production.Scientific and technical journal “Electromechanical and Energy Saving Systems” Thematic release “Problems of the automated electric drive. The theory and practice” – Kremenchug: KRNU, 2012. – Issued 3/2012 (19).Gurushkin А.V., Sivyakova G.А.

Determination of parameters of the asynchronous electric motor and its mechanical characteristic with use of metrological system of the converter of frequency”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Zhakupova А.Kh.Scientific processing of texts in the specialtyMessenger  of ЕNU named after Gumilev, Astana, 2012.Yushchenko О.А.Development of electromechanical system of a vertical collector of a permanent hot zinc-plating line

Informatyka, automatyka, pomiary. – PolskaPolitechnikaLubelska, 2012Таtiyeva М.М.

Tendencies of development of innovative activity in the Karaganda region«Мемлекеттік аудит» №2, , Astana, РК, 2012Begulova R.А.

Chepelyan L.V.Stages of the solution of optimization problems”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Begulova R.А.

Chepelyan L.V.Systems of mass service and their application in logistics”Production technology of metals and secondary materials”. Temirtau, No. 2 (22), 2012.Тurgumbayeva G.Т.

Biryukov V.V.Motivation as factor of development of a labor market”Scientific prospects”, Ufa, Russian Federation No. 7, 2012