“I am very proud that 50 years ago
I was among those who graduated this university which was called higher technical education institution
and got a referral to industry.”

N.A. Nazarbayev

Rector's blog

For the period of 50 years Karaganda State Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading hig...

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Alimbaev Abilda Amirkhanovich


Education: graduated from Karaganda Polytechnic Institute (1958).

In 1975, a candidate dissertation was defended on the theme: “Issues of increasing the economic efficiency of integrated mechanization of clearing works (on the example of the Karaganda coal basin).” In 1986, defended doctoral thesis on the topic: “Problems of increasing social and economic efficiency of scientific and technological progress (theoretical and methodological aspects)” on specialty 08.00.05- economics and management of the national economy.

Academic experience: 1976-1981 – senior lecturer, associate professor of the department of statistics and accounting, associate professor, acting. Head of the Department of Economic Geography and Branch Economics of the University;Teaching disciplines:  “Multilevel competitiveness”, “Management of production operations”, “Management strategy”, “Labor market economy” in Kazakh and Russian languages.

Non-academic experience:

1969-1976 – Senior Researcher, KNIIU, Karaganda;

1981-1991 – Head of the Department of the Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR;

1991-1998 – Director of the Center for Social Sciences of the Central Committee of the NAS of RK;1998-1999 – director of the branch of the Institute of Economics of the Central Committee of the NAS;

1999-2000 – Director of the Institute of Market Relations of the Ministry of Education and Science;from

2000 – Director of Regional Development Development.Membership in professional organizations: a full member of the four academies of sciences: Humanities, Social Sciences, International Academy of Science and International Economic Academy of Eurasia.

Awards and prizes: honorary title “Kazakhstan Enbek sinirgen kairatkeri”.

The most important publications in the last five years:

  1. Collective monograph. Economic potential of the Votochno-Kazakhstan region in the context of the prospects for locating productive forces and resettlement of the population for the period until 2030. Karaganda: “TAiS” LLP, 2013.-166s.
  2. Aimagambetov EB, Alimbaev AA, Pritvorova TP and others – Karaganda Printing house KEU Kazpotrebsoyuz, 2012. Development of the system of social protection for persons with disabilities.
  3. Intellectual capital: essence and content. Economics: strategy and practice. -2013.№2.-p.44-49