“I am very proud that 50 years ago
I was among those who graduated this university which was called higher technical education institution
and got a referral to industry.”

N.A. Nazarbayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda State Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading hig...

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Republican magazine “the Bulletin of the Karaganda state industrial University”


Dear colleagues!

We invite you to take part in quarterly issues (March, June, September, December) of the scientific journal “Bulletin of the Karaganda State Industrial University”, which is registered in the international center for registration of serial publications ISSN (UNESCO, Paris, France) with the assignment of the international number ISSN 2309-1177. Territory of distribution of the journal: the Republic of Kazakhstan, the near and far abroad countries.


Republican scientific journal Bulletin of the Karaganda State Industrial University” publishes the results of relevant papers of a research nature, which have scientific novelty and practical significance.

Languages: Kazakh, Russian, English.

The journal has the next sections:

  1. Technology of new materials.
  2. Technological machines and transport.
  3. Construction.
  4. Automation and computer engineering.
  5. Chemical technologies. Life safety.
  6. Economy. General and fundamental disciplines.

Requirements for the design of papers:

  • scientific materials submitted for publication must be prepared in accordance with the basic publishing standards for the design of articles in accordance with GOST 7.5-98 “Journals, collections, information publications. Publishing design of published materials”, bibliographic lists in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of the design”.
  • the volume of the article, including references, tables and figures with captions, annotations, should not exceed 10 pages of printed text;
  • text typed in MS WORD editor (6.0-7.0), font Times New Roman, font size -12, line spacing-single; first line indentation-0.8 cm;
  • A4 paper size: margins: top-3.0 cm, bottom -2.5 cm, left-2 cm, right-2 cm;
  • in the upper left corner – IRSTI (inter-state rubricator for scientific and technical information) in one interval initials and names of authors in capital letters, in parentheses, the name of the organization (without RSE, JSE, etc.), city, country in lowercase letters, then single spaced at the center – title of the report in capital letters (do not stand out in bold), then after the interval abstract in the language in which the article is written, keywords, then one interval, the text of the article, then after one interval list of used literature (depth 5-10 years, at least 7-10 titles), after one interval initials and surnames of authors, the title of the report, annotations and keywords in the remaining two languages;
  • abstracts (800-1000 characters with spaces, not less than 7-8 lines) and keywords should be written in Kazakh, Russian and English. Abstract is a summary of the content of a scientific work, which gives a generalized idea of its theme and structure.
  • Key words should ensure the most complete disclosure of the content of the paper. For each specific material, specify 5-6 key words in the order of their significance, i.e. the most important key word of the paper should be the first in the list. Careless or incorrect the design of the list will lead to the fact that these requests will come to the site by unauthorized visitors who are not interested in your work. Key words related to the present article, should be included in the Abstract, keeping in mind that the majority of modern information systems implement context search only on titles and abstracts of scientific publications.
  • the text of the paper should be signed by the author, also it’s important to attach external and internal reviews, questionnaire of the author (s).
  • materials should be submitted on electronic media;
  • the pages are numbered;
  • figures should be of good quality and must have the names, letter symbols given in figures should be explained in caption text;
  • formulas should be typed in MathType, font -12, all abbreviations and symbols in the formulas should be deciphered, dimensions of physical quantities presented in the SI system, should be numbered only those formulas and equations to which there is a reference in the text;
  • references in the text are numbered in the order of references (for example, from 1 to 10) and the list of references is given at the end of the article. In the text references to literature are marked by ordinal numbers in square brackets. Literary source is made in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003. The bibliography should be made in the original language.


  1. Третьяков Ю.Д. Процессы самоорганизации в химии материалов // Успехи химии. –2003. – Т. 72, № 4. – С. 731-763.
  2.  Пак Н.С. Социологические проблемы языковых контактов // Вестник КазУМОиМЯ им. Абылай хана. Серия «Филология». – Алматы, 2007. – № 2(10). – С. 270-278.


  1. Назарбаев Н.А. В потоке истории. – Алматы: Атамура, 1999. – 296 с.
  2. Гембицкий Е.В. Нейроциркуляторная гипотония и гипотонические (гипотензивные) состояния: руководство по кардиологии: в 5 т. / под ред. Е.И. Чазова. – М.: Изд-во Медицина, 1982. – Т. 4. – С. 101-117.
  3. Портер М.Е. Международная конкуренция / пер. с англ.; под ред. В.Д. Щепина. – М.: Международные отношения, 1993. – 140 с.


  1.  Зимин А.И. Влияние состава топливных эмульсий на концентрацию оксидов азота и серы в выбросах промышленных котельных // Экологическая защита городов: тез. докл. науч.-тсхн. конф. – М: Наука, 1996. – С. 77-79.

 Legislative materials

  1. Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан. О вопросах кредитования аграрного сектора: утв. 25 января 2001 года, № 137.
  2. Стратегический план развития Республики Казахстан до 2010 года: утв. Указом Президента Республики Казахстан от 4 декабря 2001 года, № 735 // www.minplan.kz. 28.12.2001.
  3. План первоочередных действий по обеспечению стабильности социально- экономического развития Республики Казахстан: утв. Постановлением Правительства Республики Казахстан от 6 ноября 2007 года, №1039//www.kdb.kz.

 Patent document

  1. Пат. 2187888 Российская Федерация, МПК 7 Н 04 В 1/38, Н 04 J 13/00. Приемопередающие устройства / Чугаева В.П.; заявитель и патентообладатель Воронеж. науч.-исслед. ин-т связи. – № 200131736/09; заявл. 18.12.00; опубл. 22.08.02, Бюл. № 23 (II ч.). – 3с.


  1. Байтова А. Инновационно-технологическое развитие – ключевой фактор повышения конкурентоспособности // Казахстанская правда. – 2009. – № 269.

 Internet sources

  1. Образование : исследовано в мире [Электронный ресурс]: междунар. науч. пед. интернет журнал с библиотекой депозитарием / Рос. акад. Образования ; Гос. науч. пед. б-ка им. К. Д. Ушинского. – Электрон, журн. – М., 2000. – Режим доступа к журн.: http: // www.oim.ru, свободный.

 Unpublished document

Reports on research work

  1. 1Формирование и анализ фондов непубликуемых документов, отражающих состояние науки Республики Казахстан: отчет о НИР (заключительный) / АО «Нац. центр научно-техн. информ.»: рук. Сулейменов Е. 3.; исполн.: Кульевская Ю. Г. – Алматы, 2008. – 166 с. – № ГР 0107РК00472. – Инв . № 0208РК01670.


  1.  Хамидбаев К.Я. Каракульские смушки Казахстана и некоторые факторы, обуславливающие их изменчивость: автореф. … канд. с.-х. наук: 06.02.01. – Алма-Ата: Атамура, 1968. – 21 с.
  2.   Избаиров А.К. Нетрадиционные исламские направления в независимых государствах Центральной Азии: дис. … док. ист. наук: 07.00.03 / Институт востоковедения им.Р.Б. Сулейменова. – Алматы, 2009. – 270 с. – Инв. № 0509РК00125.

Deposited manuscripts

  1. 1Разумовский В.А. Управление маркетинговыми исследованиями в регионе / Институт экономики. – Алматы, 2000. – 116 с. – Деп. в КазгосИНТИ 13.06.2000. – № Ка00144.

Payment for publication of the paper in the journal is 1500 tenge.

Payment marked with “Payment for publication in national scientific journal “Bulletin of Karaganda State Industrial University” addressed to: 101400 Temirtau, Respubliki Avenue, 30; Karaganda State Industrial University, BIN 060940005033; IIK KZ89826M0KZTD2999686, ATFBank JSC, BICALMNKZKA, BIN 980541000035.

The text can not be edited, so all materials must be prepared in accordance with the requirements and carefully edited. Materials that do not meet these requirements will not be considered and will not be sent back.

Articles and accompanying documents by e-mail: 101400, Temirtau, Respubliki Avenue, 30; Karaganda State Industrial University, Department of Science, Innovations and International Cooperation. е-mail: