“I am very proud that 50 years ago
I was among those who graduated this university which was called higher technical education institution
and got a referral to industry.”
March 12, 2019 on the basis of KSIU held a retreat of the Office of Industry and Industrial-Innovative Development of the Karaganda region. The meeting discussed the development of interaction betwe... →
TEAM KSIU “GIANLUIGI MAGNITOFON ” ADVANCED TO THE ¼ FINALS OF THE CENTRAL LEAGUE On the International Women’s Day on March 8, a new season of the Central Ural CSM League took place... →
ON THE EVE OF THE INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY IN TEMIRTAU AN UNUSUAL EVENT WAS HELD. March 7, 2019 in the Palace of Culture held a theatrical literary and musical production “Inspired Woma... →
THE CEREMONIAL EVENT DEVOTED TO THE INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY, MARCH 8, WAS HELD AT KSIU. On March 5, the university honored lovely girls and women. The morning began with an unusual co... →
1 марта 2019 года в Карагандинском государственном индустриальном университете в рамках Года молодежи прошел Молодежный форум гражданских возможностей, организаторами является КГУ «Молодежный ресурсны... →
1 марта 2019 года киностудия «Казахфильм» провел кастинг среди студентов КГИУ для съемок исторического сериала «Касым хан» по заказу Министерства культуры и спорта Республики Казахстан. Главным услови... →
В КГИУ началась серия открытых кураторских часов в рамках программных статей «Рухани жангыру» и «Семь граней Великой степи». 28 февраля 2019 года состоялся открытый кураторский час «Тарихқа тұнған Тем... →
27 февраля в актовом зале было весело и остроумно, зрителей своими яркими шутками веселили ребята из команд «Ерекше», «Өзіміз білеміз», «Шапалақ», «Есте сақта» и «Еркін құрама». Все команды являются... →
The second forum of rectors of Kazakhstani-American universities continues in Philadelphia. As part of the Kazakh delegation – vice minister of the Ministry of Education and Science of the R... →
In the United States of America there is the NAFSA conference and the forum of rectors, in which the rector of the Karaganda state industrial university B.A. Zhautikov takes part. Yesterday, on May... →
The XI Astana Economic Forum Global Challenges Summit (“Global Challenges Summit”) took place in the capital of Kazakhstan on May 17-19. This year, it was based on global trends: economi... →
A meeting of the delegation of rectors of Kazakhstan universities with Polish colleagues is held in Warsaw. On the first day of their stay Kazakhstani rectors took part in the International Forum o... →
The Karaganda State Industrial University hosted the XLVIII Republican Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific Creativity of the Young in the World of the Fourth Industrial Revolution&... →
A T T E N T I O N! On April 12-13, 2018 Karaganda State Industrial University jointly with the Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi Kremenchuk National University (Ukraine) conducts the XLVII... →
The signing of memoranda of cooperation with four Hungarian universities is the result of the active participation of B. A. Zhautikov, rector of the Karaganda State Industrial University (Temirtau),... →
Мы рады сообщить вам, что прием заявок на публикацию в первом номере студенческой книжной коллекции «Жас Қыран», запущенной в рамках республиканского проекта «Лучший студент», организованного Общест... →
Karaganda State Industrial University invites you to take part in the XLVIII scientific and practical conference “Scientific creativity of the youth... →