“I am very proud that 50 years ago
I was among those who graduated this university which was called higher technical education institution
and got a referral to industry.”

N.A. Nazarbayev

Rector's blog

For the period of 50 years Karaganda State Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading hig...

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Program of development of educational activitie and social infrastructure

Education of student’s youth is an integral part of process of education and, therefore, according to the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “About Education” a professional duty of each teacher and the employee of higher education institution. Formation in higher education institution of the expert as persons is based on practical implementation in educational institution of the concept of educational operation which assumes implementation of uniform educational strategy by all high school structures. Feature of the modern approach to an assessment of educational activities of higher education institution is system vision of process of education and separation of an integral complex of the necessary factors providing efficiency of this operation.

Strategy of educational operation in technical college shall be built taking into account transformation process in consciousness and psychology of the Kazakhstan youth in the conditions of occurring changes. Efficiency of strategy is defined by use of preferentially indirect method of educational influence, that is a method of control over circumstances and factors which surround the student. Educational operation in this case is inseparably linked with a cultural and educational complex and represents the special form of the organization of sociocultural space in higher education institution.

The organization of educational operation with students in higher education institution is directed on implementation of a main objective:

“… formation of harmonic developed personality and preparation of the expert, capable to be the leader, to work in a command, to work and win conditions of the competitive environment …”

Purposes of educational operation.

  • Formation of comprehensively developed identity of the competitive expert combining social activity and civic consciousness, diligence, professionalism and rich culture, aspiration to spiritual and physical development, respect for the rights and freedoms of the person, love for the environmental nature, the Homeland, a family.
  • Creation of the optimum social environment and personally developing conditions of activities providing creative self-expression and self-realization of the identity of future expert.
  • Formation of harmonic developed, creative and moral person,
  • the identity of the Citizen of the country, the expert, capable to work in collective and to be the leader, the expert, capable to work and win conditions of the competitive environment.

Priorities of educational operation.

  • Educational operation in higher education institution — is in a certain measure the final stage of education of the young man in an education system, and it makes to it special demands:
  • orientation of students to humanistic world outlook installations and vital values in existing social and economic conditions, formation of humanistic consciousness;
  • formation of civic consciousness, national consciousness, patriotism, respect for validity and law and order, internal freedom and own advantage;
  • formation of corporate culture;
  • education of need for self-development and self-education in all branches of activity (in science, education, culture, sports, etc.);
  • support of worthy educational and ethical level;
  • union to universal moral values;
  • need education to work as important vital value;
  • tolerance instilling;
  • education of need for a healthy lifestyle.

Social policy: based on a principle of equality.


  1. Creation of stable informal relations, at necessity – team formation, for hardening o collectivism and leadership in departments of university and in student and master groups, organization of collective events, including business games, public encouragement of worthy, internal mass media (newspaper, web site) and other methods of formation of the internal public relations;
  2. help: material, psychological and others —for those who need;
  3. effective interaction of administration and trade-union committee, absence of a formalism and bureaucracy;
  4. development of the material resources for effective implementation of social policy.

Tasks of educational and social operation:

  • to provide effective preparing of competitive specialist with the higher professional education, possessing qualities and the properties demanded in the conditions of the market, capable to put and reach personally significant purposes promoting development of national economy;
  • to promote formation at students of the modern scientific outlook and system of basic values;
  • to provide spiritual and moral and patriotic education of students;
  • to create health preserving environment of a healthy lifestyle;
  •  to create system of the material, a social psychological assistance for students   and workers;
  • to develop system of interaction of educational institution and public and administrative organs on implementation of social and economic problems and problems.

Expected results of implementation of the Program:

  1. solidifying of prestige of KSIU in the city of Temirtau, the Karaganda region, the Republic of Kazakhstan and beyond its limits, demands of graduates of higher education institution on a labor market;
  2. increase positive tendencies in the student’s environment, lowering of indexes of the different negative phenomena;
  3. growth of organs of student’s self-government and youth public organizations, gain of their role in youth life;
  4. operation activation with intellectually, artly and socially gifted students;
  5. stabilizing of dynamics of indexes of productivity in study, science, sports, creativity, social activities;
  6. growth of number of participants of the Olympic Games, scientific competitions, competitions of intellectual character, creative competitions, festivals, social projects;
  7. stabilizing of dynamics of solidifying of health, growth of number of participants of sporting sections, competitions;
  8. gain of interaction of structures of KSIU with establishments of education, culture, art, mass media of the city of Temirtau, the Karaganda region and the Republic of Kazakhstan.