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Project “Tempus QUADRIGA”

Project’s name:


Realization period: 2012-2014

Purpose:.  Realization of ideas of a frame of qualifications in the countries of Central Asia and Management creation on the National frame of qualifications. It is planned to improve educational systems by further development of existing requirements to educational standards in certain areas on the basis of new European approaches.


• the analysis of development of a national frame of qualifications in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan;

• creation together with the Ministries of Education of the countries of partners, national committees on a framework of qualifications in each of the partner countries, and also formation of a regional network of Central Asia of committees on National Reserve Corporation;

•   improvement of the national Regulations concerning educational standards in concrete areas, on the basis of ideas of a frame of qualifications, the principles of Bologna Process and experience of higher education institutions of the uniform commonwealth;   introduction of new national standards in the participating countries of Central Asia on information sciences;

•   preparation of subject domain and sector descriptors of level for levels 6, 7 and 8 on informatics groups of experts of national committees on a framework of qualifications.

Implementation of the project will allow to provide a basis for modernization of training programs, to promote closer cooperation and mutual understanding between universities and employers (the enterprises, industries, public sector.


Local coordinator: Kayirsynova Yenlik, fulfilling duties of the director of the department of the international cooperation of KazNU of al-Farabi


Participants partners:

East Kazakhstan State technical university of D. Serikbayev:

Contact person, coordination team:  Tleukenova Lilia, director of the department of the international cooperation

Academic team:

Gavrilenko O. D. – vice rector for science and international cooperation

Soltan Gulzhan – Cand.Tech.Sci., the director of the academic Department

Turganbayeva D. M. – the head of educational and methodical department

Balova T.G. – Cand.Tech.Sci., the associate professor “Information systems”, the consultant


KazNU of al_Farabi:

Contact person, coordination team:

Kayirsynova Yenlik, fulfilling duties of the director of the department of the international cooperation of KazNU of al-Farabi

Academic team:

Urmashev B.А. – head of the chair of Informatics

Akhmetov B.B.- the head of department on educational and methodical work

Akhmed-Zaki D.Zh., dean of mechanical and mathematical faculty

Mansurova М.Е associate professor of informatics

Pyrkova А.Yu.,  associate professor of informatics


KIMEP University:

Contact person, coordination team:

Ronald Woogdt –

Elmira Suleymanova

Zhamilya Utarbayeva

Academic team:

Doctor John Dixon

Gimranova Dilbar


Karaganda state industrial university

Coordination team

Lezhnev Sergey Nikolayevich – vice rector for Study work

Andreyashchenko Violetta Aleksandrovna

Academic team

Lezhnev Sergey Nikolayevich

Andreyashchenko Violetta Aleksandrovna

Chalaya Oksana Vladimirovna

Zhabalova Gulnara Gazizovna

Lezhneva Viktoriya Mikhailovna




of realization of the project Tempus QUADRIGA in universities-partners

of the Republic of Kazakhstan

for year 2013  

of unit Action Realization period Responsible
Organizational moments Creation of the working group on implementation of the project 20.12.2012 Coordination team of participants
Placement of information on the project on a site of participating universities 20.12.2012 Coordination team of participants
Participation in National Committee on National Reserve Corporation realization. Participation in coordination meetings All participantson selection
  Participation in meetings in frames of project realization 20.04.201320.05.2013 All participants
Work on preparation of the project of the General management on  National Reserve Corporation Realization of a condition of a national frame of qualifications, preparation of materials and information.Providing information to expert partners from the Uniform commonwealth. 20.03.2013 КаzNUAll participants


Development of educational programs based on results of training of the credits of ECTS with a National Reserve Corporation binding, the OРК(in the field of informatics, management) All participants
Development of the draft of the professional standard on IT technologies Creation of the working group on development of the draft of the professional standard on informatics 20.09.2013 Eastern Kazakhstan state technical universityКаzNU
Carrying out meetings and seminars with employers and representatives of branch bodies
Preparation of the draft of professional standards
Providing the draft of professional standards on IT technologies in the Ministry of communication and technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Participation in process of self-certification of NRС in Kazakhstan Inclusion in structure of the national working group on NRС introduction All participants
Preparation of recommendations about issue of diplomas of Supplement in the field of informatics All participants
Distribution Work on creation of the website of the project 14.10.2014 КSIU
Placement of materials, brochures, documents on an official site All participants
Preparation and the edition of bulletins, brochures and materials according to the project and a framework of qualifications in Kazakhstan 30.09.2014 КаzNUEastern Kazakhstan state technical university
Work on acquisition of the necessary equipment 20.09.2013 All participants
Providing the financial documents confirming performance of actions of the project All participants
  Expert assessment of activity and project course:a)  quality control;b)  leading semi-annual monitoring;  .

c) drawing up annual reviews;

All participants